FAQ – Spain
In other words, what you’ve always wanted to learn about Spain but perhaps haven’t yet realised to ask.
When can you travel to Spain?
When did Spain become independent?
Spain does not have an actual independence day, but Spain was liberated from the Moors in 1492.
When did Spain join the EU?
When is it warm in Spain?
Depends very much on the region. Read more here.
When is Christmas celebrated in Spain?
From Christmas Eve to Epiphany.

Where is Spain?
On the Iberian Peninsula south of France. Its western neighbour is Portugal.
Where in Spain is it warm in winter?
Only the Canary Islands are quite warm in winter.
Where is tobacco sold in Spain?
In tobacconists. There are also tobacco vending machines in some bars and restaurants.
Where is Spanish spoken?
In addition to Spain, Spanish is the official language in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea.
Spanish is also widely spoken in Andorra, Belize, Gibraltar and the United States.

Why are the exclamation mark and question mark backwards in Spain?
Because La Real Academia Española, which promotes the purity of language, decided so in 1754.
(Tip: On a mobile phone, you can get the signs backwards by pressing and holding the sign)
Why does Spain have bars on the windows?
To prevent burglary or invasion (ocupas).
Why did the Spanish Civil War break out?
The violence between the left-wing republicans and the Franco-led nationalist rebels increased, and foreign aid came to both sides.
Why did Spain join the European Union?
The country has benefited from EU money flows and there is little political opposition to the EU. It is said that the EU is helping to integrate the different regions of Spain together.
Why did Spain (along with Greece and Portugal) only join the EU in the 1980s?
Spain was still ruled by a dictator (Franco) and Greece and Portugal by a military junta in the 1970s.

What do they eat in Spain?
Plenty of fish and shellfish on the coast, more meat inland. The food is often greasier than Northern Europe, although salads are fairly easy to find in restaurants.
What do you drink in Spain?
With or without food, often a glass of wine or beer, but water or lemonade is also common. I have never seen anyone in Spain drink milk as such. Sangria is a fairly rare drink among the locals.
What should you bring back from Spain?
I recommend ham or a variety of sausages such as chorizo or fuet, and canned food (octopus, calamari, anchovies, etc.), all of which can be carried in hand luggage.
What should you buy in Spain?
In addition to the above, clothes from Spanish clothing chains that you can hardly find in many European countries, such as El Ganso or Aragaza. Good quality shoes, especially leather ones, are much cheaper in Spain.
What can’t you take to Spain?
There are few restrictions within the EU, but you are still not allowed to take sharp objects, liquids in containers of more than 100ml, etc. on board an aircraft.
What does Spain require of travellers?
There are no longer any corona certificates required. Also, Spain does not require a passport or any other form of identification if you are traveling from EU, but the airline or hotel does, so always take one or the other with you.
As a tourist from the UK, you can travel to Spain up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Note that trips to other Schengen countries also count towards the 90-day quota.